Social Responsibility

When you partner with Civic Staffing, you’ll benefit from motivated, appropriate-fit workers with a solid work ethic. But that’s not all you’ll get.

Choosing Civic Staffing means helping your community flourish while improving your bottom line—and here are 3 reasons why:

A New Staffing Standard

It’s no secret: the light industrial segment of the temporary staffing business has been publicly exposed for wage theft, non-compliance with labor laws and ethical lapses.

As the high road temporary staffing alternative, Civic Staffing embraces the seven principles set forth in ISO 26000, the guide on social responsibility for business, government and society. These principles include:

  • Accountability—Civic Staffing is accountable to those affected by our decisions and activities, as well as society in general.
  • Transparency—Civic Staffing is ready to disclose, in a clear and accurate manner, the policies, decisions and activities for which we are responsible.
  • Ethical Behavior—Civic Staffing’s behavior is based on the ethics of honesty, equity and integrity.
  • Respect for Stakeholder Interests—in addition to Civic Staffing owners, members, customers, and employees, others in the community may also have rights, claims or special interests that we should (and will) take into account.
  • Respect for the Rule of Law—Civic Staffing strives to comply with all applicable laws and regulations, and we inform those within our organization of their personal obligation to observe and implement them.
  • Respect for International Norms of Behavior—operating in an industry known for exploiting undocumented immigrants, Civic Staffing respects international norms of behavior while carefully adhering to the principle of respect for the rule of law.
  • Respect for Human Rights—Civic Staffing respects and fosters the rights set forth in the International Bill of Human Rights.

Civic Staffing knows that socially responsible outsourcing pays big dividends for business customers, for temporary workers and for the community at large.

A Bridge from Learning to Earning

By recruiting through civic organizations and providing their clients with employment access, Civic Staffing is making the community better for everyone.

At Civic Staffing, we leverage partnerships with many different training organizations that are supported by the United Way, as well as workforce development initiatives and private foundations.

After receiving referrals for employment from one of our Civic Partner Network organizations, we carefully assess candidates and, when possible, assign them to the worksite of an appropriate-fit business customer. In doing so, Civic Staffing helps to maximize the impact of community investments in training and workforce development, while ensuring quick trainee transitions from learning to earning.

With careful attention to process management, Civic Staffing has a high rate of success matching motivated, well-prepared workers to customer worksites.

Recognition for Civic Engagement

Civic Staffing is always happy to share the media spotlight with like-minded businesses. If desired, Civic Staffing can help business customers gain positive public recognition for modeling good corporate citizenship through their outsourced staffing decisions.

>> Meet the team that makes it happen